Affiliate Organizations
Student organizations that center the experiences of APIMEDA students at UC San Diego are encouraged to affiliate with APIMEDA Programs and Services, Affiliated organizations are asked to do the following:
- Share organization contact information and executive board member names and contacts with the APIMEDA Community Assistant.
- Send a representative to the quarterly APIMEDA Student Organization Mixer.
- Share information with your organization about APIMEDA Programs and Services events and volunteer opportunities
- Participate in the Community and Coalition Conference and/or the Constructing Coalition workshops. Please contact Windi Sasaki or the Community Assistants for more information.
As an Affiliate with APIMEDA Programs and Services, we hope to assist you with developing you and your members to have strong leadership, communication, and career skills. We also want to help you connect with the student community and encourage students to join your organizations. As an affiliate, we hope that you gain the following:
- The opportunity for your members to participate in our Co-Curricular Record approved activities.
- Opportunities to be featured in the APIMEDA Lifebook.
- Support, mentoring, and leadership development of you and your board by the APIMEDA Programs and Services staff.
- A support network amongst the leaders of the APIMEDA Affiliated organizations.
- Access to the APIMEDA Programs and Services Office for small scale events/meetings
Members of APIMEDA Affiliated organizations are the only people eligible for the APIMEDA Scholar Leadership Program. Each member can use the CCR Checklist for all tasks to track their progress. Please connect with the APIMEDA Associate Director to make sure that your organization can have its meetings and volunteer opportunities counted as completed tasks.
University Organization Programming Resources
In addition to our direct support to student organizations, here are some other resources that many APIMEDA student organizations use.
- CSI: Center for Communication and Leadership
- Filling out a TAP (Triton Activity Planner) - Required for any events held on campus
- Funding through Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
- SPACES Funding
- A.S. Funding
- Reserving space and tabling spaces (within University Centers)
- How to reserve a room on campus