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Staff associations are a great way to connect with other UC San Diego professionals and contribute to the community.  There are various staff associations available, below are some brief examples.

Pan-Asian Staff Association (PASA)

The Pan-Asian Staff Association promotes the general well-being of Asian/Pacific Islander staff at UC San Diego.  Their work focuses on provided educational, professional, and social opportunities through workshops, discussions, and events. 

Find out more information on their Blink page.

LGBT Staff and Faculty Association

The LGBT Staff and Faculty Association is the official faculty and staff association for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community at UC San Diego. It provides opportunities to meet new people and make long-lasting connections. Events are open to faculty and staff regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Find more information about the LGBT Staff and FAculty Association on their Blink page.

Creating a Staff Association/Affiliate Group

Currently the only staff association within the APIMEDA group is the Pan-Asian Staff Association (PASA).  If you are interested in starting another staff association group, we are happy to help!

How to Establish a New Staff Association/Affiliate Group


New to Campus?

Welcome, we would love to connect!  If you have questions about getting connected on campus, please reach out to the Associate Director of APIMEDA Programs and Services, Windi Sasaki at 

Consider being featured in the APIMEDA Lifebook as well!